the first mile

After spending the past week under quarantine due to a nasty virus that everyone in my family was infected with except for the newest member (THANK GOD), today I needed to run.  This momma has some pent up energy and steam to burn off not to mention about 10 pounds to lose and a core to strengthen.  I do still have a lingering cough and some sinus congestion but there was no question in my mind when I woke up this morning that today would be the day that I would attempt my first postpartum run.  Whatever pace and for however long my body (and my two boys) would give me.

After the regular crazy morning routine, I got dressed in my running clothes, fed the baby and piled everyone in the car to take Abby to school.  When we got home baby Gus was asleep in the car seat so I brought him and Will down to the basement right away.  I hoped he would sleep in the seat while I ran and Will played in the play room (also where my treadmill is).  It started off great and I was moving at a little slower than a 10 minute pace.  I made it to .81 mile before baby G started crying.  I hopped off the ‘mill and rocked the car seat hoping he would fall back asleep.  No such luck.  I took him out and held him in my arms and he dozed back to sleep so I put him back down.  He woke up crying.  About a half hour later finally baby was asleep again and I hopped back on the treadmill – I got .20 in before he woke again with a giant poop and then he was ready to eat so my run was over.  But I ran a mile!  And it felt good.  I can’t be upset about it getting interrupted – my baby is too sweet for that!  I am just happy to have been able to run today, three weeks postpartum, and I’m excited to run again soon.

baby Gus is three weeks old, and I ran my first mile today!

I have 6 weeks to prepare for my10 mile race on April 10th (which also happens to be my 35th birthday).  Today’s run gave me the confidence I needed to know I will get there.  I am not setting any time goals … I just want to complete all 10 miles and gain some of my fitness back to help me get ready to train for MCM later this spring/summer.  My core needs strengthening and I need to get used to running while nursing and just figure out the balance of being a mom to three while fitting time in for me and my running.

A mile is a mile though and I will take it.  I’m excited to do it again and regain my strength.

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Hi, I'm Jess!

Thanks for visiting my blog! I’m a runner, a coach, and an artist whose work’s purpose is to celebrate and encourage others on the run. I started running over 20 years ago when I signed up for my first marathon, and since then it has become an integral part of me and how I live my life. Running changed me in ways I never could have imagined, and has continued to lead me down a path of personal and professional growth and self discovery. On this blog I love sharing stories about my journey, talking about the lessons I’ve learned along the way and connecting with all of you. Thank you for being here!

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