nursing and running…advice?

My baby boy is over two weeks old now and he is a dream.  He is eating great (already more than a pound bigger than when he was born!), sleeping well, giving me smiles and snuggles.  In so many ways I can’t believe he is “only” 2 weeks old and in others it seems like he just got here.  I am so blessed.

It has been a wild week.  My 4 year old son Will came down with a high fever and stomach bug last week.  It lasted a day and thankfully he made a quick recovery and the rest of us stayed healthy.  Then 5 days later he came down with another high fever (almost 104 degrees), a cough and yucky nose.  Virus number 2 in a week…My husband also returned to work this week so I began my adventures of managing all three kids on my own while dealing with this virus.  It is a true juggling act — balancing caring for my sick 4 year old  while also caring for my newborn and protecting him from the nasty virus.  Tough stuff.  Oh aaand we are getting a new roof put on our home today which just adds to the chaos.  It is not quiet around this house.

It is a beautiful morning though.  70 degrees in the middle of February.  Aaaahhh.  Yesterday I wore the baby and pushed Will on his trike through the neighborhood.  It was delightful.  Being outside in the fresh air does wonders for the body and spirit.  I can’t wait to run free out there.  Amidst the craziness of life I am finding myself dreaming about my return to running every day.  I am SO ready to get on those trails again…but I have to wait until my body is recovered enough for that and the truth is that will probably be another week or so from now, at least.

I am thinking about it though…and I have some questions maybe you guys can help me with.  I am a nursing mom and my baby LOVES.TO.EAT.  This is awesome.  But my boobs are quite … ahem … shall we say, LARGE.  They are easily the size of small watermelons.  No joke.  And this is coming from someone who is NOT usually a very well endowed gal.  So I think I will need to buy new sports bras and perhaps double up on them.  I will feed the baby or pump prior to all of my runs.  I will have to hydrate extra well to keep my milk supply going strong…does anyone out there (all 27 of you!!) have experience running as a nursing momma?  I would love any advice or strategies you have that have worked well for you.  I plan to nurse my baby for a minimum of one year and hopefully longer than that.  I plan to be running all the while once my body gives me the green light to get started.  I want to do this intelligently and care for my baby and my body as best I can, so I am seeking good advice from other running mommies out there with the same priorities.

Thanks so much and HAPPY FRIDAY!!

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Hi, I'm Jess!

Thanks for visiting my blog! I’m a runner, a coach, and an artist whose work’s purpose is to celebrate and encourage others on the run. I started running over 20 years ago when I signed up for my first marathon, and since then it has become an integral part of me and how I live my life. Running changed me in ways I never could have imagined, and has continued to lead me down a path of personal and professional growth and self discovery. On this blog I love sharing stories about my journey, talking about the lessons I’ve learned along the way and connecting with all of you. Thank you for being here!

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