the re start

it’s been over a year since i last sat down to write here. to regularly spill and share and process in a public space.

there were a couple of starts and stops. but the fact was, i needed a break.

not from writing, but from writing here. i have fallen into a wonderful daily practice of morning journaling and reflection with good old fashioned pen or pencil and paper. it feeds my soul and grounds me, much like running does. it’s a ritual i will continue, even as endeavor to share here again.

i have also taken a break from hard training and racing for nearly the last year. i ran the new york city marathon in the fall of 2015, and then stepped back. the race was a pivotal and defining moment for me – one in which i realized i had pushed too hard for too long. i gave myself some grace and walked into a new space in my running and in my life. a space for healing and preparing for new beginnings. i am really looking forward to sharing the ins and outs of all this with you!

my husband took a job in north carolina last november, a few weeks after the nycm and just before thanksgiving. it was a leap of faith, one we took together bravely as a couple and as a family. the year was hard, yet also one of the very most strengthening and healing of my entire life. it was many months of shaky ground and uncertainty while my husband lived in raleigh 5 days a week and the kids and i stayed in virginia until we were able to sell our home, find a new one and begin our life anew. feeling like we were holding our breath and so ready to find ourselves settled and sure and in a routine again, time was moving so slowly yet too quickly all at once. i was squirmy and anxious to get started and find a rhythm, yet i also was hanging onto many aspects of my life and dear loved ones in virginia and was having a hard time saying ‘see you later’ to them. resisting change is natural, i know. letting go and moving forward is never easy, even when your heart beckons to you that this is indeed so so good and right.

and now we are here, and have been here for 3 months. all that has transpired and transformed in our life, the unfoldings and the beginnings of so many good things … it has overwhelmed my heart and just filled me up with so much gratitude. i am learning that there is so much goodness in times of transition. learning to let go and to trust my path, learning who and what matters the very most. as hard as it has been and will continue to be, each day i begin with a thankful spirit.

so this is the first post of my re start. another piece falling into its place as i settle into my groove. i feel ready to bravely share here again. and i thank all of you who are reading. for being a part of this space with me. i’m excited to share my running and life journey with you. things will be and feel different around here as i work to shape this into a truly representative and authentic platform. i have learned and am continuing to learn so much and will be open about it all. i look forward to connecting with you and sincerely hope that my experiences, musings and reflections will be a source of light and inspiration for you on your own paths and that we can all share in this journey together!

be back soon. i promise.

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Hi, I'm Jess!

Thanks for visiting my blog! I’m a runner, a coach, and an artist whose work’s purpose is to celebrate and encourage others on the run. I started running over 20 years ago when I signed up for my first marathon, and since then it has become an integral part of me and how I live my life. Running changed me in ways I never could have imagined, and has continued to lead me down a path of personal and professional growth and self discovery. On this blog I love sharing stories about my journey, talking about the lessons I’ve learned along the way and connecting with all of you. Thank you for being here!

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