Rock My {Running} World: Meet Megan

Megan is a MARATHONER!! MCM – 2011
This next runner is living proof that if you decide to do something and are committed to it, you will find that you are capable of much more than you ever would have dreamed.  Megan’s journey as a runner is very inspiring – she works hard and trains smart and listens to her heart, always.  Her dedication and perseverance are truly admirable and I am so very proud to call her my SISTER ~ in running and in life.  I am truly excited for all that is in store for Megan as she continues on with her running and pursues her dreams!
Name:  Megan Godek
Age:  29
Location:  Centreville, VA
What do you do in “real” life?  I am a school based technology specialist for Fairfax County Public Schools.

How long have you been running?  I have been running consistently for about 3 years.
Why did you start running?  I started running because I was working with the Girls On the Run program at the school I was currently teaching at.  I thought I would just be a walk/runner, but then I realized that I could push myself farther and farther each day!
Personal Records:
Marathon:  4:43:12
Half Marathon:  2:07:03
10 miler:  1:39:28
10k:  58:39
5k:  30:05

What is your proudest running moment:  Knowing that I worked through an incredibly difficult last month (while working through personal issues) before my first marathon and was still able to finish strong and realize that I am stronger than I ever knew. 
Pick one of your favorite parts of the lululemon manifesto and tell me why it speaks to you:
Life is full of setbacks. Success is determined by how you handle setbacks.  I think this really goes with how I was feeling before MCM.  I felt very broken after splitting up with my boyfriend of 1.5 years, but I took my strength and anger and turned it into positive motivation to prove to myself that I could do more than I ever imagined.
Do you have a favorite running mantra?  Why does this work for you?:
Running is the best way to a clear mind.  I love this because when I am stressed or thinking about something too much a run puts it all into perspective.  No matter my mood before the run, I always feel stronger and happier after I have some alone time with my feet.

Tell us a little about what you do to strengthen your running (core training, yoga, Pilates, etc) and what do you do to protect yourself from injury? I do cross training (walking, biking, and ellipical) and sometimes Pilates.  I have to continue to focus on strengthening my quads because I have issues with my knees.
If you run with music, tell us a few of your favorite running songs: I listen to anything that you would make you want to jump up and dance, lots of top 40 stuff.  It gives me energy to push myself farther because I am having fun.
Megan and her besties having fun at VB Shamrock Half
What is your next race?  What is your goal for that race?  My next race is the Hot Chocolate 15k in December, but I just want to run that for the fondue, hahaha!  My next goal race is National Half Marathon in March. I want to break 2 hours!! 
What are your long term running goals?  My long term goals are to be able to run years from now and continue to stay strong and healthy. 

What advice do you have for other runners out there?  Just keep working.  I started by listening to my ipod and running a song, walking a song, then running two songs, walking 1, then running 3, walking 1 … eventually I just kept running.  You will have set backs, but remind yourself that they will make you stronger.  It isn’t about how far or how long you run.  A mile is a mile and a minute is a minute … it will always be a mile or a minute that you were doing more than someone else!

Who rocks your running world?  Tell us about someone who inspires you to be a better runner.  The people who rock my running world are all of the students and faculty that are involved in Girls on the Run programs across the nation.  They were what inspired me to start running and work harder every day.

Me and Megan holding the signs our family made for us, VB RnR Half, 2009

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Hi, I'm Jess!

Thanks for visiting my blog! I’m a runner, a coach, and an artist whose work’s purpose is to celebrate and encourage others on the run. I started running over 20 years ago when I signed up for my first marathon, and since then it has become an integral part of me and how I live my life. Running changed me in ways I never could have imagined, and has continued to lead me down a path of personal and professional growth and self discovery. On this blog I love sharing stories about my journey, talking about the lessons I’ve learned along the way and connecting with all of you. Thank you for being here!

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