plugging back in

Since I’ve been completely neglecting my blog I thought I would summarize how things are going and what I have been up to over the past several weeks…

1) MCM!!!  My amazing client Paul made it to the start and finish lines of his first marathon on October 31st.  It was incredible.  I became am RRCA certified running coach in April and a few weeks later discovered that I was pregnant.  This summer I met Paul through my local running club and he was looking for someone to coach him to his first marathon.  He tried training for one on his own the year before but made it to a long run of 16 miles before he got injured and had to bow out.  There is no way for me to accurately put into words how great this experience was for me from start to finish.  Not only did Paul do a great job and accomplish his goals of getting to the start healthy and strong and then completing his first marathon (hoooray!) but I also made a wonderful new friend through the process.  And of course I learned a lot about coaching, too.  I had sooo much fun cheering on Paul, my sister and my friend Justin during the race.  I woke up early with them and drove them to the start and then began my adventure of cheering them on throughout the race.  It was exciting and tiring and SO wonderful.  When I said bye to them at the start Paul gave me a gift – a silver whistle engraved with “Coach Jessica” on it.  I cried of course.  Paul ran a great race and I could not have been more proud of him.  He is ready to train for National Marathon in March and I know he will do great.  I am so thankful to have had this opportunity to be a part of his first marathon.

2) My running.  Well, I am 30 weeks pregnant on Friday and still moving!  Not exactly running always…actually probably walking more than running…but I am moving!  My friend Dorothy describes it as “wunning”  – some walking, some running, some waddling – but whatever it is called it is movement and I’ll take it.  I’m signed up for a 10K race in mid December and am planning to walk it with my friend/neighbor Lorrie.  I’m looking forward to being a part of the energy of a race again, even if I am “wunning” it.

3) Treadmill update.  I am getting my new treadmill tomorrow afternoon!  Yayyyyyyy!!  Thank you to all of you who were so kind as to give me advice on treadmill shopping.  It was so helpful.  After researching online and going to a few stores, we wound up purchasing one that was on sale from Sears.  I really can’t wait for it to be in my home tomorrow.  I am so grateful.

4) Future running plans….Sign up for the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler begins on December 1st.  I have it highlighted on my calendar and I will say lots of prayers and hope that I get a spot in the lottery.  I think that would be a really great race to train for after my baby is born.  I don’t plan to set any time goals for myself but just would love to get myself in shape enough to run 10 miles comfortably and happily at that point.  We shall see….

5) Pregnancy.  I am almost 30 weeks along and all is good.  Feeling giant (once again my doctor commented that he sees I have a good appetite – uggghh) and all the wonderful third trimester symptoms I will not miss when they go away – but my heart is full of gratitude and I am so excited to meet my baby.  I know these next 10 weeks will go by in a flash and I am trying not to wish them away despite really feeling blah most of the time.  Just trying to take it one day at a time and focus on all the positives, because there are many.

6) The rest of my life.  To sum it up: busy and emotional.  That is me these days.  My two kids, teaching Pilates twice a week, getting my Sugar Cone business off the ground, spearheading a renovation to our preschool, etc etc is a lot but everything is important to me hence I will not be letting go of any of it.  Not right now, anyway.  I am grateful to be filling my life with things I love and so far I am keeping my head above water most days.

I miss REALLY running, really sweating it out and going to my edges…the outlet it gives me is sometimes missed so much that I feel like I could cry (and sometimes do).  I know this time is fleeting though so I try to just get through it.  To do what I can and be happy with that and respect it.  Some days that is just easier than others.

This blog is an outlet for me too and a good way to keep myself in check, so I am going to try to be more consistent about writing here.  Thanks to you guys for reading.

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Hi, I'm Jess!

Thanks for visiting my blog! I’m a runner, a coach, and an artist whose work’s purpose is to celebrate and encourage others on the run. I started running over 20 years ago when I signed up for my first marathon, and since then it has become an integral part of me and how I live my life. Running changed me in ways I never could have imagined, and has continued to lead me down a path of personal and professional growth and self discovery. On this blog I love sharing stories about my journey, talking about the lessons I’ve learned along the way and connecting with all of you. Thank you for being here!

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