MCM Expo

It is freeeeezing and sleeting outside as I write this.  I’m feeling pretty thankful that today is NOT marathon race day and that the weather forecast for tomorrow looks nothing like this.  It is supposed to be cold tomorrow (a high in the upper 40s), but the sun will be shining apparently.  I really hope things thaw out before tomorrow’s run.  After months of training in high heat and humidity, it should be interesting to run in such cold temperatures.

I went to the MCM expo yesterday with my sister Jodi, my dad and baby Gus.  My father is running the marathon too – he is visiting us from Maine and this will be his third marathon!

I am so so SO happy we went to the expo yesterday and not today.  The expo for MCM is at the DC Armory which is a good 35 minute drive from where I live.  I had to squeeze the trip in between dropping off and picking up my son Will from preschool so we didn’t have much time to dawdle but it wasn’t too crowded thankfully and we were able to get our race packets with no problems at all.  Once we took care of that business, it was time for a little expo fun.  There were three additional stops I wanted to make:

1) NUUN: I was so excited to meet Jocelyn in person ( and although I am already really stocked up on my nuun I also bought a tube of the elusive Kona Cola.  I had never tried it before and I’m not sure it’s my favorite but I wanted to buy a tube and see what my husband thinks.  He has become a bit of a nuunie, too these days.  Sometimes I have a hard time sharing with him.

2) BROOKS: Getting to meet Melody ( in real life was super fun.  I am amazed by how you can feel like you really know someone who you have never actually met in person.  I loved chatting with her and am so happy we don’t live far from one another!

Can I just say here that I am super annoyed with myself for not taking pictures when I met these ladies?  Oh well – hopefully next time!!

3) SAUCONY:  I have been trying on and toying around with the idea of owning this beanie for over a week.  It’s funny – Dorothy even posted about it yesterday after I had decided it was going to be mine.  It is seriously the cutest hat and soooo comfy and warm.  I have possibly the most sensitive skin on the planet and this hat doesn’t itch me AT ALL.  I don’t normally run in hats unless I am really really cold.  The forecast for tomorrow is my idea of frigid though and since I am not wearing much on my body I think it will be smart to keep my head warm.  I bought the hat in black and orange (since the race is the day before Halloween, I am going to be in the holiday spirit!).

As for the rest of my race day outfit, I have learned that I need to wear less than I think I do.  So the plan is running skirt, tank, arm sleeves, hat and sunglasses.  I have some throw-away gloves and a sweatshirt I will wear for the first couple of miles until I start warming up.  My husband will have warm clothes for me at the finish.

The rest of the expo was spent helping my sister Jodi find some new sunglasses.  She got a great pair that she looks awesome in.  The sales guy at the booth also thought baby Gus was very cute and gave him a free pair of blue sunglasses.  He rocked the look pretty much perfectly:

he is always making me smile

Jodi also has been having some issues with her ankle and has been wearing KT tape when she runs.  Yesterday the folks working that booth were offering to actually tape people up so she took advantage of that and is all set and ready to run tomorrow!

So …. that’s it for the expo. I am running a marathon tomorrow!  I cannot wait!!

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Hi, I'm Jess!

Thanks for visiting my blog! I’m a runner, a coach, and an artist whose work’s purpose is to celebrate and encourage others on the run. I started running over 20 years ago when I signed up for my first marathon, and since then it has become an integral part of me and how I live my life. Running changed me in ways I never could have imagined, and has continued to lead me down a path of personal and professional growth and self discovery. On this blog I love sharing stories about my journey, talking about the lessons I’ve learned along the way and connecting with all of you. Thank you for being here!

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