less than 2 days til Rehoboth!

This time tomorrow I will be on my way to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware for what will be my 11th marathon.  It is the second marathon I am running in 6 weeks (I ran MCM on October 28th) and I do not think I could possibly be more excited about it or feel more ready!

I’m so incredibly excited.  So absolutely sure that this is the right thing to do, that I am ready for it.  So grateful and happy to be feeling the way I do about it on every level – physically, emotionally and mentally.  Yet also – sort of stunned that it is really happening.  I didn’t go into this training cycle planning on two fall marathons.  I think of myself as a pretty laid back and let-it-loose kind of person, yet at the same time I am fully aware that I’m completely Type A and conservative when it comes to making plans and following rules.  I like to be in control as much as I like to totally let go and be along for the ride.

On Saturday morning I will show up to the start line with a plan: to run hard and put it ALL out there.  To trust myself and to let things happen as they will — one mile at a time.

I believe in my heart of hearts that Saturday will be a very good day.  That it can’t not be.  I am so well trained for this.  I know the marathon.  I LOVE running and racing.  I am not putting specific time goal pressure on myself though.  Really, I just want to run to the best of my ability.  To run the race I have trained for.  To not give up.  To ENJOY it.  To pour myself into this experience.  To celebrate the journey – all that is behind me and all that I did to get to this moment, as well as all of the possibilities that are ahead of me.  I want to be present, to soak it all in, and to keep a grateful perspective.

Do I think it’s possible for me to crush my current PR on Saturday?  You bet.  But I know that is not ultimately what will bring me JOY on race day.  I think of a new PR as icing on my marathon cake – if I know that I did my very best and that I gave it my all, I will be happy no matter what the time on the clock says.  I’ve run enough marathons and lived long enough to understand this about myself.  I would rather try as hard as I can and fall flat on my face, than not show up to this completely.  Disappointment in myself almost always comes from lack of effort.  I am going to be ALL IN on Saturday.  There is no other way to approach this as far as I’m concerned.

So today and tomorrow I will hydrate like it’s my job and try to rest and relax as much as a busy mom of three possibly can.  I’m also limiting my fiber intake (a SERIOUS challenge for this vegetarian, salad-and-broccoli loving person!) because I really really really do not want to have GI issues be a part of this race experience.  I’m getting ready to pack for this amazing adventure and I am just so excited about it!

There is no runner tracking for this little race, but I will for sure be posting updates on Twitter and Facebook, so please follow me there if you want updates sooner than next week!

Are you racing this weekend?  If so, how are you feeling!?

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Hi, I'm Jess!

Thanks for visiting my blog! I’m a runner, a coach, and an artist whose work’s purpose is to celebrate and encourage others on the run. I started running over 20 years ago when I signed up for my first marathon, and since then it has become an integral part of me and how I live my life. Running changed me in ways I never could have imagined, and has continued to lead me down a path of personal and professional growth and self discovery. On this blog I love sharing stories about my journey, talking about the lessons I’ve learned along the way and connecting with all of you. Thank you for being here!

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