Five Things

It’s been a busy week – busy in a good way, but busy.  I have been wanting to write every day but just haven’t been able to move this to the top of my priority list.  I’m finding myself with a little extra unplanned free time right now and rather than taking the nap I desperately need, I want to share (and vent a little) on this sunny Friday afternoon:

1) The reason I have extra time is that I am **supposed** to be at the Army Ten Miler expo getting my race packet for this weekend’s race.  I fed the baby lunch and put him in the car, picked up my sister Jodi and then we were on our way to get another friend (Chris) at his office so we could bring him along.  FAIL.  Traffic was a complete nightmare.  By the time we got to his office we had already been in the car for an hour and given that we still had another 40+ minutes of driving before even arriving at the expo and I have to get my kids from school at 3:15 we made the executive decision that Jodi and Chris would get my packet for me.  I am totally fine with that.  The baby fell asleep in the car on my way home and I was successfully able to transfer him to his crib (HUGE score!).  It all worked out.

2) The first thing I did with this new-found free time is call Garmin.  Why?  Well…a couple of months ago my Forerunner 110 went berserk and stopped working normally.  I spoke with Garmin then – they gave me a software update and sent me a new charge clip – and my watch was better.  Yesterday on my 7 mile run I noticed condensation on the interior of the watch’s face.  Not good!  But it worked despite that and was fine for the run.  Today on my 8 miler it happened again only this time the watch was acting all kooky again telling me I was running a 46 minute pace…whaaaaatt?  Annoyed.  So I called Garmin and explained and they are sending me a new watch.  I’m still annoyed though.  They are having me return this broken one and are charging me a “deposit” of $120 until they receive my broken watch.  This means that the $120 will be on my credit card for “most likely one or two billing cycles” because “it takes time” to process the credit.  I AM MAD.  I feel like I should call back and give them a hard time and maybe get some slack, but I am not usually one to ruffle feathers.  I have a lump in my throat thinking about it – I don’t like feeling like this!

3) On a happier note, 21 of my miles this week have been run while pushing my two boys in the double stroller!  Those are some good workouts.  And – I have a new double stroller mile PR!  I pushed myself for the last mile of my 7 mile run with them yesterday and my new record is 7:27.  Happy!!

4) This weekend is all about running!  Tonight I am volunteering at packet pick up for the Anthem Great Pumpkin 5k and tomorrow I will be helping out on the course.  My children are also running in the kids race and we are all really excited about that.  Abby is determined to win it!  Her confidence and independence are so adorable.  She has been “training” on the playground and eating her veggies all week in preparation for race day.  Sunday I’m running the Army Ten Miler and I’m really excited to set a new PR.  I’m aiming for sub 1:20 and hope to shave off a good 10 minutes from my existing PR of 1:28:43.  I know I can crush that old PR and am pretty excited to do just that.  It would be nice to have my watch for the race, but I am not going to let that annoyance get in my way!

5) The baby is waking up – my free time has expired!  Maybe I can get him to snuggle and fall back asleep with me so I can get that nap afterall…

Happy weekend, everyone!!

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Hi, I'm Jess!

Thanks for visiting my blog! I’m a runner, a coach, and an artist whose work’s purpose is to celebrate and encourage others on the run. I started running over 20 years ago when I signed up for my first marathon, and since then it has become an integral part of me and how I live my life. Running changed me in ways I never could have imagined, and has continued to lead me down a path of personal and professional growth and self discovery. On this blog I love sharing stories about my journey, talking about the lessons I’ve learned along the way and connecting with all of you. Thank you for being here!

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