
There is no telling how many miles you will have to run while chasing a dream.  
~Author Unknown

When I was a child I know I had a lot of dreams about what my life would be like when I was “grown up.”  The only thing that really, truly remained consistent about those dreams however was that I wanted to be a wife and a mother.  For a while, I wanted to be the first female President (I think this lasted until about age 9).  Then I decided I would be a Broadway star – I loved acting and dancing on stage.  Until I hit puberty and became seriously shy in front of big groups of people.  In high school I realized I had a growing love of art and architecture and really set my heart on becoming an architect.  I applied to colleges that had good programs and studied architecture during my freshman year at the University of Arizona.  I realized during that year though that it was not for me.  What I loved about architecture was its beauty, not the science of it.  I wasn’t interested in all that math or engineering … bleh.  At that point I felt completely lost and transferred to the University of Virginia.  Since I simply had had no idea what to “be” I majored in English Lit and figured the answer would come around at some point and at least I would get to read lots of good books and wind up with a solid Liberal Arts education.  When  I graduated I got a job in marketing which soon led to sales.  I liked it and I was fairly good at it so it worked for me.  But I was never truly passionate about it.  It was during this time that something really clicked inside of me – I started dreaming.  I began to sense a tiny spark inside myself that believed I could do something that fed my passions, gave me a creative outlet and allowed me to be the wife and mother I always wanted to be.

Well, things are happening in this dream.  It is going somewhere…I have no idea where but I did put the wheels in motion and now they are rolling and I am chasing this dream and having a blast.  There is no destination, really.  It is all about the journey.

If you have dreams, follow them.  Who knows where they will lead…but if you don’t try I guarantee nothing will come of them.

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Hi, I'm Jess!

Thanks for visiting my blog! I’m a runner, a coach, and an artist whose work’s purpose is to celebrate and encourage others on the run. I started running over 20 years ago when I signed up for my first marathon, and since then it has become an integral part of me and how I live my life. Running changed me in ways I never could have imagined, and has continued to lead me down a path of personal and professional growth and self discovery. On this blog I love sharing stories about my journey, talking about the lessons I’ve learned along the way and connecting with all of you. Thank you for being here!

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