a poem for Nuun

If you’ve been reading my blog for even just a little while, you know that I am a big fan of Nuun.  I drink it all the time.  The sugar-free, electrolye-enhanced drink tabs are my secret to staying properly hydrated before, during and after my runs.

In addition to being an amazing and reliable product, the company itself is pretty darn cool – FUN, creative, passionate and all about the community of people who love being fit and active.

The other day I noticed on their Facebook page that they would be giving away an entire year’s worth (12 4-packs!!) of Nuun to one lucky winner.  To enter the contest you just had to tell them how you planned to drink your Nuun in 2012.  They would choose a winner at random on January 31st.

How could I not enter this contest?  I keep a constant supply of Nuun in my house.  There is always a tube or two in my car.  I won’t go to the gym without one in my bag.  Winning an entire year’s worth would be sweet!!  I started writing out all the different ways I would drink it (at the track, in the cold, on a long run, etc) when I realized that my answer was feeling a little like the book “Green Eggs and Ham” by Dr. Seuss (a favorite read in our house).  And even though the winner would be chosen at random so there would be no extra points for creativity, I thought it would be fun to come up with my very own poem about all the different ways I would drink my Nuun in the year ahead.  My husband even got in on the action when he came home from work, and the two of us had a ton of fun collaborating on this little rhyme.  I wanted to share it here with you guys, too:

How do I plan to drink my Nuun?
Listen and I’ll tell you soon…

I’ll drink it this year as I drank it last
From a bottle or in a glass
Before the gym and after class
And when I cross the finish line (whether first or last)

I will drink it in the rain, and I will drink it on a plane.
I will drink it in the sand (i tend to drink it more than planned).
I will drink it here, I will drink it there
And I will drink it in my underwear
And when I’m heading out to eat
Or when I need a mid-day treat

I’ll like to drink it on the track
And at both ends of an out and back

I’ll drink it for recovery
2 tubes a week (and sometimes three)

I’ll drink it when I run on trails
I’ll drink it when it sleets and hails
I’ll drink it when it’s warm and sunny
I’ll drink it when it’s cold outside
And when my nose is runny

I’ll drink it when I need it most
And hopefully at Hood to Coast!

I’ll share Nuun with my running buddies
And sip some when I teach Pilates

Some days before the sun comes up
When the house is asleep (including the pup)
I’ll put Nuun in my coffee cup
And drink it warm to wake me up

And if I stay up way too late
And see a headache as my fate
There’s only one way to hydrate
A few swigs of Nuun and then I’m great!

Whether I’m pushing the jogging stroller
Or loosening up on my foam roller
After yoga or strength training
When I go to the track though it’s cold and raining
Through marathons (some half, some full)
In a summer tank or winter wool
I’ll have Nuun in my water bottle
So I can always train full throttle!

So tell me: do you love Nuun, too?  How do you plan to drink it in 2012?  Do you like writing rhymes like I do?

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Hi, I'm Jess!

Thanks for visiting my blog! I’m a runner, a coach, and an artist whose work’s purpose is to celebrate and encourage others on the run. I started running over 20 years ago when I signed up for my first marathon, and since then it has become an integral part of me and how I live my life. Running changed me in ways I never could have imagined, and has continued to lead me down a path of personal and professional growth and self discovery. On this blog I love sharing stories about my journey, talking about the lessons I’ve learned along the way and connecting with all of you. Thank you for being here!

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